
The original paper:

Tass, Peter A., et al. "Counteracting tinnitus by acoustic coordinated reset neuromodulation." Restorative neurology and neuroscience 30.2 (2012): 137-159.

A recent refinement with good results (+ve response rate 72%)

Wurzer, Hannes, and Christian Hauptmann. "Adapted Acoustic CR Neuromodulation in Patients With Chronic Tonal Tinnitus and Hearing Loss." Frontiers in medicine 5 (2018): 288.

Amplitude modulated tones at the tinnitus frequency:

Neff, Patrick, et al. "Comparison of Amplitude Modulated Sounds and Pure Tones at the Tinnitus Frequency: Residual Tinnitus Suppression and Stimulus Evaluation." Trends in hearing 23 (2019): 2331216519833841.

There was a subsequent "RESET2" study however it found no difference.   It seems there were some technical issues with the study:
Haller, Markus & Hall, Deborah. (2017). Evaluation of the Acoustic Coordinated Reset (CR®) Neuromodulation Therapy for Tinnitus: Update on Findings and Conclusions. Frontiers in Psychology. 8. 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01893.

Hot off the press - proposes refinement of methodology but no studies/citations (yet)

Tass, Peter A., Alexander N. Silchenko, and Gerald R. Popelka. "Acoustic coordinated reset therapy for tinnitus with perceptually relevant frequency spacing and levels." Scientific Reports 9.1 (2019): 1-16.

Thorough, recent, meta-study of the use of sound generators and hearing aids, that ultimately concludes "There is no evidence to support the superiority of sound therapy for tinnitus over waiting list control, placebo or education/information with no device".  It mentions Tass's work but that study was not included in the meta-study, so this is a little off-topic really.

Xia, Jun, et al. "Sound therapy (using amplification devices and/or sound generators) for tinnitus in adults." The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 2018.8 (2018).

Articles I'd like to read but full text is not free:

Pitch matching approach on mobile devices, validated.  This seems to be being used as a way to avoid issues that may have compromised the RESET2 study.


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